Casago Quality Standards

Vacation rental properties can create a high return on investment, but that profit relies heavily on management and requires heightened standards of care for both the property owner’s investment and the guest’s experience. Happy and loyal guests help spread the word to maximize the return on your investment. This value is made possible by having sound processes, adherence to discipline, managing accountability within our team, and maintaining the core value of being an Owner-Centric™ hospitality company.

home interior
smling woman

Casago Rating®

At Casago Treasure Coast, we leverage the Casago Rating® process that has been refined over the last 20 years and separates us from other vacation rental property management companies. Casago Rating® ensures every property receives stellar reviews, which is something that our cleaning teams, maintenance crews, and inspectors take pride in achieving excellent ratings.

Optimizing Reviews, Property Stewardship

Optimizing reviews is achieved by minimizing negative guest experiences caused by wear and tear, damage, inferior cleaning, or other unforeseen issues that do arise with home ownership. Yeah, they are unfortunate and untimely. We utilize a four-point comprehensive inspection process of your vacation property:

  1. Property inspection before guest arrival
  2. Post-arrival communication with the guest
  3. A pre-move-out review with the guest
  4. A property inspection after cleaning
homes on the ocean

While being a steward of your property, our inspectors are trained to look for property blemishes and identify possible improvements that would lead to an increase in the average daily rate of your vacation rental. We often cover the expenses to cure minor defects while examining the suggested improvements to achieve a higher rate of return. These improvements are developed into investment projections for your consideration.


Guest Expectations

Allowing guests to create memories while safeguarding your investment requires setting high standards for guests. Guests are heavily screened before booking as our team validates addresses, phone numbers, and identification. Should the need arise, we can conduct an even deeper identification check. We expect all guests to have a memorable experience and ensure that, as an owner, you can enjoy the property without the stress.

Casago Owners Treasure Coast Owners

Casago Owners receive a convenient, easy-to-use mobile application that allows them to see reservations, the financial health of their investment, check occupancy, and schedule a stay or cleaning at their vacation home.

digital vacation rental management

We will market your home in ways other’s just can’t.

Elite Distribution

business district

Owned & operated by life-long Treasure Coast residents.

Deep Knowledge of Local
Resources and Vendors


As a steward of your home, we are your advocate while you are absent.

Driving Peak

beach rental properties

Creating a memorable experience for your guests

Competitive Separation and Lasting Memories